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Choose Keywords
Identify major concepts of your topic
These will normally be nouns or descriptive words.
Omit words from your search such as: what, the, is, of, have, etc.
Example - your topic is - What is the affect of climate change on bighorn sheep in Wyoming?
Use the keywords to search: affect, climate change, bighorn sheep, Wyoming.
Using these words will get you a clearer picture and more direct resources for your project.
Create a word list of synonyms or associating words
After you have read 1-2 articles, done a quick search, or determined your overarching idea for your research paper create a list of words that associate with the topic.
These could be short 5-10 page articles, a book chapter, encyclopedia, or a general google search.
You can use Wikipedia for this stage of your paper, but do not use it as a source!
Wikipedia is sometimes good for general information regarding a subject, but keep in mind that they can be (and are) changed by ANYONE. They do not have to have any background in the subject.
These could be synonyms of your main concept.
Synonyms are words that mean the same or similar things.
Suppose your argumentative paper is about why marijuana should be legalized.
There are many words that refer to marijuana and its different forms such as: cannabis, pot, hemp, cannabinoid, etc.
Need More Help Finding Keywords?
Find an article that works well with your overarching topic.
Click on the Word list pull down and select Exact words from Text
Then paste the text into the open space.
Get something that looks like this hat - all of the main / common words will be enlarged on the image.
These could point you in the direction of keywords for your research.
Keyword Search Helpers
Using AND - entering climate change AND affect AND bighorn sheep AND Wyoming tells the search that it must find sources with all three terms.
AND should be capitalized - if not you will get more results sometimes.
The more words entered the narrower the search will be.
I did a search for just the words I got 1.9 million results
Using AND brought the count down slightly 1.6 million results - but the first results on the page a all related to the topic.
Use OR to broaden your search.
Entering bighorn sheep OR ram will retrieve resources on either term.
Use OR to search for multiple concepts / synonyms in one search, this will get you a wide range of sources.
Use Not to narrow your results by excluding items from your search.
entering bighorn sheep NOT ram will exclude resources that contain ram rather than bighorn sheep.
Use "Quotation Marks" to ensure the words are in the search results that are pulled.
"climate change" AND "affect" AND "bighorn sheep" AND "Wyoming"
Using AND and "Quotation Marks" give me 164k results.
These are going to be more specific to my question and will get me the best results on this topic.
Truncation - *
the Asterisk * can be used to find all versions of a work such as: gamble, gambler, gamblers, gambling.
you can use gambl* to find all words with this as its stem (or main word).
Using AND, OR, NOT, quotation marks, or Truncation in your searches