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Tribal Leadership

Resources for Indigenous / Native American Studies & Tribal Leadership

News and Native Media


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Searching Tips & Techniques

Before you start your search, try to compile a list of potential keywords. This is always a good idea, but it is beneficial for conducting searches in a field such as Native American Studies. A good first place to start is to identify possible culture group names for your search.

  • Use common keywords such as Native American, Amerindian, Indian, First Peoples, or Indigenous.
  • Search by particular tribe, nation, or cultural group name (for example, Arapaho or Shoshone)
  • Combine tribal names with a topical word (e.g., Sioux mythology)
  • Browse the subject Indians of North America or Indigenous in the Library Catalog, OneSearch, eJournals, Databases, and even the Wyoming State Library.
  • If you are looking for a specific event or ceremony, use the name of that event. For example, you can search for "Native American Church" under subject.
  • For best results, try an advanced keyword search using the terms Religion, Mythology, or Ceremony (as appropriate) combined with any or all of your identified keywords.
  • Putting your search term within quotes (e.g., "Turtle Island") may produce more relevant content.