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Electrical Apprenticeship

Subject Search

Use OneSearch when looking for specific topics with a wide or narrow scope. Here are a few examples of searches you may be interested in: Electric circuitsElectric controllersElectric currentsElectric engineeringElectric motorsElectricity.

You can also be more specific with your searches: Electrical Circuit breakersElectrical Grounding, or Electrical Transformers.

Use the filters on the left of the search page to narrow your results to find more detailed information about your keyword searches.


Google Scholar

How to use Google Scholar to find Articles

  • Google Scholar is a resource that will limit your Google search to only academic articles. 
    • Use your Keywords and the tips found on the Choose Keyword Page (use AND, OR, NOT, " ") Google Scholar can be used to find articles that will help you with research.
      • Most items are scholarly articles available through Google, or they may redirect you to the CWC site.
  • Check out our video explaining Google Scholar if you would like more information.