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Use OneSearch when looking for specific topics with a wide or narrow scope. A few specific examples include: Early Childhood Education, Childhood Education Research, Children's Literature, or Educational Assessment.
An online library of education research and information, sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.
SAGE Journals provides full-text access to world-class research journals in education, communication, health sciences, and criminology.
Explore over 150,000 book titles, information on authors, fiction and nonfiction publications, book reviews, reading lists, award winners, discussion guides, feature articles, and audio books. Includes read-alike recommendations and the ability to filter content based on popularity, age group, or reading level.
Includes indexing and abstracts on topics such as assessment, continuing ed, pedagogical research, curriculum development, instructional media, administration, language arts, literacy standards, and science & mathematics to assist professional educators.